Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 15 of Being THANKful

Today I am thankful for my old classmates. I was saddened this weekend to see on Facebook that one of my childhood friends had lost her daughter this weekend. I would not have known this if other classmates who live in the area still had not posted their condolences on her wall. I was proud to know that even though more than 15 years have past since many of us have been together we still surrounded her with love. I had been debating if I really needed to be Facebook friends with most of my graduating class since most of the time we rarely speak to each other but after this weekend I am glad that I still have these guys "in" my life.


  1. facebook has been a great way for me to reconnect with a lot of classmates and old co-workers I had lost touch with. I love that about facebook!


  2. I had been wondering whether to stay on FB too...but then found out an old friend lost a family member due to suicide so, I'm staying. It is a great way to keep up with those we have kind of lost touch with.

    Following you back.

    Have a great week!
